Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snowpocalypse Now

The Midwest was walloped by a blizzard Tuesday night. Wisconsin was right in the bullseye, and one of the consequences was closings all around. I was called off work on Wednesday, leaving me with plenty of time to measure the snow (and, of course, help shovel it).

While the paper says we got about 15 inches, my own estimates place the number around 18. This was certainly the biggest snowfall I'd seen in years. The local weathermen were constantly calling the thing the "Storm of the Century" and comparing it to the blizzard of '47. I don't know if any records were broken, but the storm provided a lot of opportunities for some great pictures. Below are two such photos, the storm around 11pm Tuesday night (top), and then twelve hours later Wednesday morning.

Here is a helpful fatherly figure shoveling snow while his son records the event for posterity:

And finally, while watching the storm from my window on Tuesday night, I noticed the startling sight captured below. A man was walking down my street in the middle of the night, in the middle of the biggest storm in years. He was smoking a cigarette all the while. I managed to capture his ghostly shape before he disappeared:

Comparisons to Bigfoot photos are welcome.

1 comment:

AnneB said...

The Cigarette-Smoking Man returns!