Sunday, February 20, 2011

Have a nice nay

Random observations at the bookstore:

--I think it's a common problem among retail workers to mix up the time of day in that familiar parting expression. If I worked at the register one night, then again the very next morning, I tend to confuse the two and sometimes end up with the combination in the title of the blog post. And wow, Wikipedia has a whole freakin' article dedicated to the phrase. I guess if they have one for toilet paper orientation...

--Laser discs, records, and CDs may all be collectible items, but VHS tapes will never be. They're simply too bulky, and the tapes tend to fall out of the bottom of the box when you pull it off the shelf. HOWEVER -- I am volunteering an ingenious solution for the problem of the world's excess tapes: use them for home decoration! Many bookstores offer a bulk amount of "neutral" books to make customer's home/work libraries look prestigious: Reader's Digest Condensed Books, for example, or bland law textbooks. I see no reason why film professors of the future can't have shelves of multicolored, uniformly-shaped boxes in their office.

--For about two minutes today I wondered why Theodore Dreiser's novels were so radically different from his more well-known works, like Green Eggs and Ham.

--Sometimes a spine can be confusing. Is it Edith Wharton's Ethan Frome or Ethan Frome's Edith Wharton?

1 comment:

AnneB said...

You are obviously confusing Dr. Seuss with Dr. Souse.