Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Most Popular Book in the World

I have just reserved my copy of The Hunger Games from the library. I'm sure it will be weeks or months before I get to read it, but it's better to do it sooner than risk encountering spoilers.

Also, I should probably read it before seeing the movie.

It's easily the most popular book in the United States. Dragon tattoos or southern maids can't hold a candle. At least a dozen times a day, someone asks for it at the bookstore--so much so that I have started to just say two words to young people approaching me: "Hunger Games?" This works especially well if I am near the children's section.

In fact, it's becoming too cliché to say "we don't have it." I am trying to think of varied ways to break the bad news to people. So far I've said "The Hunger Games is the most popular book in the country" and "...the most popular book in the world," and also "crazy popular." Maybe soon I'll move to "insanely popular."

Sketch by Katherine Marshall

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